Buying a home is a big commitment that brings with it a lot of responsibility. Investing in a home warranty plan can give you one less thing to worry about - knowing you're safeguarded against the expense of unexpected covered breakdowns.



The American Home Shield Nome warranty is a one-year service agreement that covers the repairs or replacement of major components of many home systems (such as heating, air conditioning, plumbing, etc.) and appliances that typically break down over time due to normal wear and tear.

Who is American Home Shield?
Founding the home warranty industry back in 1971, AHS® is still the largest, most chosen home warranty provider. Its goal today, as it was back then, is to make owning a home easier by helping protect your budget from large, unexpected covered repair costs with simplicity and convenience.

American Home Shield Can Help Keep Real Estate Transactions on Track.

American Home Shield is an affordable, valuable solution for buyers and sellers because a home warranty helps:

  • Keep deals on track when buyers get cold feet
  • Decrease cash flow worries
  • Overcome worries about older systems and appliances (no age limits on covered items)
  • Provide peace of mind to buyers waiving home inspections


Not only is American Home Shield a valuable solution for buyers and sellers, it also gives you an additional, highly-effective negotiation tool.

Let American Home Shield (AHS) help protect you.

Ask me how an American Home Shield home warranty can benefit you!